Thursday, September 20, 2007

Changing the Course

Well, here we are. A blog! A getting out of debt blog! Original? No, probably not. But, hey, it gets me back into writing. :)

I've titled my blog "Changing the Course" because that's exactly what my family is doing. Dave Ramsey calls it "changing the family tree", and that's a good way of putting it, too.

So, the whole focus of this blog will be my family's journey of getting out of debt and starting on a new road to Financial Peace. I will try and detail as much as I can about our ups, downs, sideways LOL....hopefully it's one you'll enjoy reading and will also inspire YOU to get out of debt!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

I think writing about your debt is a great start. By doing this you will be able to better track your sucesses and failures towards your goal of being debt free. It is a lot of work and their are sacrifices to be made along the way, but with the full support of your family members, it can be done. Good Luck!

Jenny from AHAM :)